Chartered Accountants
Our Services
Our audit approach is team oriented with partners and managers actively involved in all stages of the audit. We also strive to work with management throughout this process in order to achieve a common understanding of the entity being audited, and the appropriate audit procedures to be implemented.
We provide a range of consulting services to meet client requirements. These include (but are not limited to):-
Assisting with the registration of Lesotho incorporated companies and Lesotho external companies (i.e. branches of foreign companies).
We provide a range of accounting services to meet client requirements. These include (but are not limited to):-
Preparation of annual financial statements from client prepared trial balance (including accountant’s compilation report).
We provide a range of taxation services to meet client requirements. These include (but are not limited to):-
Providing advice on Lesotho tax legislation (Income Tax, VAT and PAYE) to clients who require such services either to obtain general information on such legislation, including its practical implementation, or who have questions on specific tax issues.
Moores Rowland is the largest accounting and auditing firm in Lesotho providing a full range of auditing, accounting and consultancy services, and is deeply committed to the development of Lesotho people as professionals.
The office was opened in Maseru in 1975 out of the need to serve Lesotho clients from a permanent base in Maseru. Since that time we have developed a strong portfolio of local and international clients and have been in a position to serve them through the policy of having partners/directors and staff based full-time in Lesotho.
Our office is staffed by 4 partners/directors, with a total staff compliment of around 30. All of our staff (with the exception of one South African partner) are Basotho, of which almost 90% of our professional staff were (or are still being) trained through our practical training programme, which includes attendance at the Lesotho Centre for Accounting Studies. A number of our senior staff members are (or have been) office bearers within the Lesotho Institute of Accountants (including President and Vice-President).
Given that our office is in Maseru, we fully support the interests and development of both the Lesotho economy and the accountancy profession within the country. Hence, unlike some firms whose main offices are situated in South Africa, we do not view Lesotho purely as an opportunity to generate additional fees, without any interest in the development of their clients or the country.
We are also fortunate to have moved into our present purpose built offices in 2005, which are situated at Sentinel Park in the Old Europa area of Maseru. This provides convenient access and client parking, within easy reach of the City centre.
We are very much aware of the need to embrace new technology, and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of our policies and procedures in order meet the needs of our clients in a constantly changing environment. Being a relatively small firm, we are able to embrace and develop innovative changes both quickly and efficiently (without the need to channel such matters through a ponderous bureaucracy) which, we believe, gives us a significant edge over many of our competitors.
Moores Rowland (Lesotho) also has strong international connections, and is an affiliate member firm of the Praxity (Formerly Moores Rowland International) global alliance of independent firms. The latest IAB World Survey (based on annual fee income) lists Praxity 6th in the world ranking of accounting organisations.
Accordingly, we believe that Moores Rowland is well positioned to live up to its commitment to provide:
Local Access – Global Support


Ramothamo Nyane
Ramothamo worked for a short period at the Lesotho Council of Non-Government Organisation after he graduated from the National University of Lesotho. He thereafter joined Moores Rowland as a junior auditor in 2012. He soon established himself as a hardowrking, reliable, and innovative member of our assurance team, and achieved promotion to Senior Auditor.
In 2015, he left the firm to take up the role of Accountant at Transformation Resource Centre (a long-established Non-Government Organisation). However, after almost a year, he rejoined Moores Rowland and worked as an Audit Manager until he qualified as a practicing partner in 2021. 'Nyane has practiced in different industries, mining, telecommunications, banking, construction, brewery manufacturing, agriculture, retail etc.
He holds a Bachelor of Accounting from the National University of Lesotho, a Master of Science in Professional Accountancy from the University of London, and a Chartered Accountant in Lesotho having qualified from the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.
He is a member in good standing at the Lesotho Institute of Accountants and the Association of Chartered Accountants in the United Kingdom. And an associate member of the Institute of Internal Auditors South Africa.

Tony McAlpine
Tony trained and qualified with Deloittes in the U.K. and subsequently worked at Deloittes offices in Zambia, South Africa and Lesotho (ultimately as resident partner in Maseru). He then became a partner in the KPMG Lesotho office (the former name of the present Moores Rowland Lesotho firm) following the merger with the Deloittes Lesotho office.
He has wide audit and consulting experience within Lesotho over many years, including participation in notable events and developments within the country, such as Phase 1 of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project; the development of the diamond mining industry; the restructuring and rationalization of the government owned banking sector, and the Millennium Challenge Development Programme.
His present role includes audit and taxation assignments, as well as office administration, including the management of Sentinel Park (the office complex at which the Firm’s offices are located).

Chabeli Makoala
CA (SA), CA (L)
Chabeli qualified as a Chartered Accountant CA(SA) in 2012. He holds a B.Acc Honours degree from the University of the Free State and a Post Graduate Diploma (Accounting conversion course) from the University of Cape Town. He also holds a B.A Economics degree from the National University of Lesotho. Chabeli served his articles with PKF Chartered Accountants in Johannesburg before joining Moores Rowland Chartered Accountants in Maseru.
After leaving Moores Rowland he joined FNB Lesotho as an Internal Auditor, a position he held for 10 months. He was then offered a position in the Finance department as the Finance Manager. He later joined Letseng Diamonds where he worked as the Finance Manager for a period of 5 years. He re-joined Moores Rowland to take the role of the Audit Partner. Chabeli has experience in the fields of Banking, mining, Accounting, Tax, Auditing, Risk, and Corporate governance.
Chabeli is also a good-standing member of the Lesotho Institute of Accountants (LIA) He was admitted into the category of Chartered Registered Auditor in 2017.
Sentinel Park, United Nations Road
Maseru, Lesotho
Email: nyane@mooresrowland.co.ls
Tel: +266 2231 3929